Ruth M. Belmont

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Februllage Week 2

Another week of Februllage under my belt! I had the opportunity to try some new techniques and step into the mixed media realm this week. This week’s prompts were: “Leaves, Thread, Aeroplane, Sea, and Spooky,”

If you’re keeping track at home, I did skip one prompt this week, “Zebra,” because I didn’t have anything for it and I needed a bit of a day off. I really look up to collage artists that can produce quality work every single day! That is NOT my style. Februllage is a good exercise, but I won’t lie, I’ll be overjoyed to go back to my normal creative schedule in March.

First up was “Leaves.” For this one, I went for a quick free form kind of piece with lush leaves, some snakes, and a sun to center it. I didn’t end up posting it to my Instagram feed, but you can see it if you check out the Februllage ‘21 Highlight on my profile!

Next was “Thread,” and let me tell you, it’s probably one of my personal favorites so far! Right up there with “Triangle!” This gave me the very cool new experience of adding thread to my piece, as if it were an embroidery project. I used an old fashioned needle and thread to create this artful nude piece (pleasantly surprised it didn’t get flagged for nudity on Instagram. That’s one good thing about having a small following). I spent several days on this one, taking to my needlework before the fireplace on snowy evenings. It was a new level of relaxing! I definitely want to pursue using thread in my pieces in the future. And bonus: the back turned out really cool too!

“Aeroplane” and “Sea” I knocked out in the same day. “Sea” turned out to be more of a color study, though, I did bust out my circle cutter to bring the sailing ship to the foreground. “Aeroplane” was a ton of fun! I think I want to rework this piece in the future; it needs an extra bit of something to sell the dashboard perspective, like a fuzzy pair of dice or some fast food wrappers, but that’s something I’m looking forward to adding later down the line!

I had one of those days mid-week where I needed a pick me up- that’s what Top Donut is for! Nothing better than a cup of hot black coffee and a glazed donut! Well, maybe an old fashioned and a hot meal, but that’s a different vibe entirely.

Lastly, was “Spooky.” I had this piece set out for a while and I had gathered a handful of black and white noir images to create the mysterious, ghoulish vibe. The images were larger, all from vintage LIFE magazines. The finished piece is 12”x12,” making it the largest Februllage piece I’ve made so far. I don’t care how old you are, going down basement steps in the dark will ALWAYS be terrifying. I finished this one off by dripping some fake blood on it. What’s “black and white and red all over?” This spooky piece!

All in all, a good februllage week! What was your favorite from this week?

Thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week for the third roundup! Take care!