Ruth M. Belmont

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Hello again! I’m back. Things probably look a little different around here so allow me to explain:

Elephant in the room, I took about a month long “break.” I wouldn’t exactly call it a break, considering I had the stressful task of moving out of my studio at Western Ave and moving all of my collage materials and furniture in a U-Haul back home in the dead of winter on a very short time schedule. Physically and mentally difficult to conquer, but it’s official: I no longer inhabit a studio space at Western Ave in Lowell. I left my studio for reasons I’d like to keep private, but I do want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed having a studio space in that old mill building and I will miss it. It was an important step in my growth as an artist and I won’t soon forget what I’ve learned about myself and the local artists’ community while I was working there.

Anyway, on to the good news— I turned my back room into a temporary studio space! I won’t lie, it’s been really nice working from home. First of all, I don’t have to run back and forth from the paint sink to water all of my plants! But honestly, it has been a lot better than I imagined. I started out collaging and creating at home, so returning to this kind of format was literally “like coming home.” Plus, Yuki is in my lap 24/7. There’s something extra comforting about having a cat under foot while I’m working. I no longer have to drive an hour each way to get to my work space and if I’m feeling creative I can get a start on whatever I want, whenever the mood strikes. Plenty of snacks and tea available. I’m surrounded by plants, kitty cuddles, music, movies, sunlight, fresh air— it’s been indescribably pleasant. I need a lot of those things in my life to help me heal and find happiness.

I’ve made a couple new pieces here in the new space. I have my old desk set up next to the window along a red wall. I’ve noticed I like to sit on the shag rugs to flip through magazines and I should get some padding to put under them because it’s taking a toll on my poor joints. I recently picked up a rainbow sun catcher and I think it gives the room some extra good vibes! Surrounding yourself with rainbows can never be a bad thing. It really does bring a smile to my face! Especially when Yuki sleeps in them.

I have my record player and speakers up against the other red wall. I love vinyl and I love being able to listen to my collection at home. I had forgotten how nice it is to work with music in the air instead of piped in through headphones. No neighbors to bother with my music and incessant Schwarzenegger movie marathons? Fantastic! All the better. And on that note, I have my TV tower stacked up neatly in the corner and I put up all my framed pieces on the walls. I didn’t realize how many I had framed until I went to hang them all. (Also, sidenote, I feel super weird hanging my own art in my home?? Like I just feel conceited… just me or no?).

But in terms of personal projects, I’ve been working on a lot. I’ve been experimenting with resin and painting. I’ve gotten back into taking film photos. I definitely missed getting my Polaroid cameras out and playing around. I’ve gotten really into baking and it’s given me some awesome treats to share. I have more time to work on cleaning up and restoring old thrifted pieces I’ve accumulated. I just finished cleaning and hanging a 60s midcentury modern lamp that turned out well (you can check it out on my instagram)! I got a new notebook and pens to fill with ideas and dreams. I like to take notes on things for inspiration and I’ve gotten a lot of that time back in the mornings to really dive in and get lost in things that interest me again.

I’ve been embarking on what I like to call “Donut Quest 2021.” I have a passion for small mom and pop donut shops. So this year, I made a list of some local donut shops to try out! The list right now is kind of long… but I’ll slowly get through them all. This past weekend, I tried out Lov’n Donuts in Leominster, MA. Wonderful staff! Really gave me a chuckle. Though, my favorite donuts so far have come from Top Donut in Lowell. I wonder if any will top it…

And a quick word here— Thank you all SO MUCH. This past print drop was my most successful print release EVER. It really means the absolute world to me that you all supported me and liked the Februllage prints! Seriously, it really picked me up during a dark time in my life to feel so encouraged and supported by you all! My next print drop will probably be in a few months for now so keep your eyes peeled…

To close, I’ve been working hard to create a space that I feel safe and happy within. It’s not easy, some days are harder than others and I’m afraid I’ll never create again, but when I finally make something new it breaks the hex and I’m back to my old self. I’ve had to come toe to toe with who I really am, deep inside. I’ve had to learn some very painful lessons. It will take some adjustment, but I know there’s nothing but sunshine in the future.

“There’s no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can’t gain anything without losing something first. Although, if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you’ll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. A heart made Fullmetal.” -Fullmetal Alchemist

Thanks for reading! See you in the next post!

P.S.- I have an email list now! You can sign up right below here at the bottom of the page. I pinky promise I won’t spam you! We can stay in touch and I will be sending out emails before every print drop so don’t miss out!