Bullseye Girls


Welcome back!

I discovered some older photos of these “Bulleye Girls” while I was sifting through my blog posts folder. These were taken back in December/January, when I was first throwing together the concepts for the “Bullseye Girl” pieces. I recently finished these two lovely ladies, but I had forgotten to post the process. I’m no longer at my old studio, so looking at these pictures is a little surreal/dysphoric. I don’t even use that knife anymore! So much has changed in such a short amount of time. They sure did look pretty in that morning sunlight, though. Plus, no need to censor here on the blog, so you can see them in their full glory!


These girls came into my life at a bad time. Right after I started them, I got swamped with Februllage work and then immediately had to face the challenges of moving out of my studio. To be honest, I was at the end of my rope, having my soul sucked out of my body by a tumultuous situation in my personal life. All of that misplaced energy made it difficult for me to see an endgame for them. I found a lot of my final hours in that studio were spent staring at them with artists’ block. They still feel unfinished to me, but I can always revisit and rework them. Consider them works in progress, but they’re finished enough that I can move forward.


For the background on the second girl with the glitch, I ended up painting a background that turned out really cool! I had a lot of fun using paints for these girlies. Spray paint for the bullseye designs and acrylic for the backgrounds. I listened to a lot of St. Vincent while I was working on them! haha

It was suggested to me that these pieces would lend themselves well to being slipmat designs for record players. I am in love with that idea! I am going to get a couple tests made and, if all goes well, I may have a couple slipmats available for purchase in my next shop update!

Thanks for taking a look! Enjoy your weekend!

Ruth Belmont