Ruth M. Belmont

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Don't Call It a Comeback

Hello all! It’s been a while. I come bearing great news: I have a new studio space!

After working from home for about a year, I finally decided I felt ready to move my work into another space and start fresh. While I will miss certain aspects of working from home (readily available Yuki cuddles and 24/7 access to fresh hot tea whenever I should need them, definitely on the list of perks I’ll miss the most), I have always felt that keeping my creative space and my living space separate is what works best for me.

Right now, I’m still working on decorating and getting a grasp on my new work flow, but my productivity has really benefited from the move already! I felt that most of the work I did at home was pretty surface level. I needed a break and to step away from the collage “community” on Instagram, especially. I focused on channeling my creative urges into fixing up some thrifted items I’d had sitting around unfinished. I still plan on doing more of those thrift flips, as I enjoy them, but I am now feeling really good about collaging again for the first time in over a year!

Last week, I drove to my studio, put my headphones in, dropped into a day dream, and made the first collage I am truly proud of since 2020. I really missed that; It felt incredible. In fact, I’ve made a couple new pieces you can check out below (or on my Instagram account) that I’m deeply feeling.

My new studio is located in downtown Nashua, New Hampshire as part of the Nashua Art Works group. There are currently no open studios events at my new location, but when I feel like my studio is up to snuff, I’ll be opening it by appointment to any and all who want to see my work in person! I’m also going to be selling more originals as opposed to prints, in the future. Seeing pieces in person is always the best way to appreciate them— so get in contact with me to set up a viewing!

Starting this new chapter of my life is refreshing and it feels indescribably amazing to have gotten my life back on track and moving in a direction that makes me happy. For the first time in a long time, I feel at peace (and dare I say, optimistic).

Enjoy some before and after progress photos of my new space:

Desk view before…

Desk view after!!

Shelf view before…

Shelf view after! I’m planning on putting some plants on the shelf underneath the grow lights

Here are some more snaps with the house lights on:

And here are some fun ones with the lights off and the ambience set to chill:

Thanks for reading! See you in the next post!