Wednesday Magic


Wednesdays are magic. On Wednesdays, I get up early, pack up my things, and head to my studio. I bring my lunch and spend the entire day working away. Without fail, every Wednesday brings a new project. I’m always finding something new to scribble down in my notebook for later. Even on days when I don’t think the magic will come, it still does! I don’t understand it, but I appreciate the blessing from the universe. After years of worrying the magic won’t come back, I’m here to reassure you, it has.

I’ve been putting some extra time into “nesting,” and by that I just mean filling my studio with extra goodies I’ve had in boxes since I moved out of Western Ave. My scifi paperbacks, my extra crt tvs, my entire vhs collection— all the things that were too painful to look at two years ago are back up on my shelves. It’s lovely how time heals a heart. ~“Everything stays, right where you left it, Everything stays, but it still changes…”~

I did some test prints of some recent pieces and put them up in frames. I steer clear of framing originals now because a lot of my older pieces are fading. Switching to displaying prints helps that problem.

I got some super cool acrylic shelves that remind me of the early 00’s. Clear acrylic Gameboy Core is my newest obsession. I also got these black mini shelves to display even more junk (your girl loves her tchotches).

I’ve always wanted a nixie tube clock but they’re bonkers expensive… so I compromised and got this LED one for the high shelving on the back wall! It’s mesmerizing to watch.

There’s something special about decorating a space. I don’t know why but it scratches a certain itch in my brain. Continually filling my space with my thifted finds and antique scores is what motivates me to create. I’m always chasing that next fun thing I find that’s been discarded and reborn. It’s become clear to me over the years that the pursuit and acquisition of “things” is an intrinsic part of my creative process. I get such genuine joy out of it. I end up with a fair amount of junk, but honestly that term is so subjective. I even save food wrappers that I find cool ('I’m like a crow that way haha)!

I’ve had to leave spaces behind in the past and because of this I avoided documenting them too closely so I couldn’t hurt my own feelings looking back on them in the future with nostalgic eyes. With this studio I said “f*ck that!” and I’ve been taking as many photos of it as I can— including Polaroids! I busted out my One Classic and my SX-70 and got some cool shots of the space:

What have I been up to lately? Well, I got some awesome mail from @Parceltonguepaper and I’ve been itching to make some collages with all the vintage/antique whiskey ads she sent me! She included an ad I’ve actually been on the hunt for so I’m super stoked about that.

I’ve been getting cozy and living my best Wednesday magic life by bringing some hot coffee with me to the studio. Game changer, especially on rainy days.

And otherwise, I’ve got a lot of fun things coming down the pipeline! I don’t want to give away too much but it involves fabric… (;

I’m thinking a possible shop update in mid-summer, so if you’re holding out for prints, stickers, tshirts— turn on notifications for Instagram, set your calendars, and join my mailing list for announcements!

Here are some photos of the lads to play me out— Thanks for reading and see you in the next post!

Ruth BelmontComment